- About us
- Institute
- Tasks and Objectives
- Members and Employees
- Beblo, Miriam
- Betzelt, Sigrid
- Busch, Dörte
- Carl, Andrea-Hilla
- Dietz, Beatrix
- Dill, Katja
- Drechsler, Diana
- Egger de Campo, Marianne
- Gather, Claudia
- Hertwig, Jana
- Hollmann, Tanja
- Huesmann, Monika
- Janke, Madeleine
- Jehle, Nadja
- Klutmann, Beate
- Landrock, Gisela
- Lorenzen, Stefanie
- Maier, Friederike
- Mertens, Antje
- Schmidt, Dorothea
- Schuchert-Gühler, Pakize
- Sonnenfeld, Susanne
- Sproll, Martina
- Wiesner, Heike Anna
- Yollu-Tok, Aysel
- Zimmer, Reingard
- Associate Members
- Appenroth, Max
- Berghahn, Sabine
- Güney-Frahm, Irem
- Kenel, Philipp
- Krämer, Christiane
- Lewalter, Sandra
- Ohlert, Clemens
- Reichel, Karin
- Schmidt, Tanja
- Schneider, Julia M.
- Schürmann, Lena
- Trenkmann, Jeannette
- Tripp, Ina
- Weichselbaumer, Doris
- Harriet Taylor Mill
- Networks
- Latest News
- INVITATION: Kick-Off Shaping Digitisation in a Gender-Equitable Way | 10.09.21 | 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
- SAVE THE DATE: Kick-Off Designing Digitisation in a Gender Equitable Way | 10.09.21 | 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
- Career perspective: Professor at a university
- Recording of the OECD webinar "Women and technology - strong together"
- Discussion Paper: Gender Aspects of Brain Drain: The Case of Turkish Immigrants in Germany
- Job Announcement: Working Student at the Harriet Taylor Mill-Institut
- Online Event: "Labor Market and Family"
- SozBlog - The Blog of the German Sociological Association
- Legal claim to mobile working. Positioning of the expert commission.
- Discussion Paper: "Intersections of care work and ecological sustainability. To what extent can time be a common currency?"
- German Chancellor Fellow, entrepreneur, researcher
- Call for Papers: fzg 27|2021 Digitalization, Gender and Migration
- Hamburger Mitagsgespräch: "Wir brauchen Fraun, die sich trauen"
- ERASMUS+ Projekt "EqualDigiTalent"
- Discussion Paper: "The under-representation of women in politics from a constitutional perspective - parity laws and a gender-equitable representative democracy" by Cara Röhner
- Discussion session: Gleichstellung – nicht-binär und intersektional?!
- 2020 „10 Jahre Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien“
- HTMI-Mittagsgespräch am 29.1.2020: "30 Jahre Mauerfall im Blickpunkt der Zukunftsgestaltung der Frauen der 'Dritten Generation Ost'"
- Job opening: Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeit (w/m/d) (Schwerpunkt Ökonomie) am Institut für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik
- Call for Papers: "Crossing Borders in Europe: Democracy and Gender in Transformation?"
- Discussion Paper: The impact of digitization on gender inequality. An empirical study at the sectoral level
- Day of action 18th december 2019 #4genderstudies
- Discussion Paper: With strategy to equal rights? Negotiation styles of independent women as a means of reducing the gender income gap
- Call for Papers: Reproductive rights and the politics of reproduction
- Job opening: Administration Manager in the FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin e.V.
- Political Economy Forum: Auf der Suche nach der „ideologiefreien“ Lehre?
- Theaterperformance "Between worlds. Global Tales of Outsourcing Dementia Care"
- Convention: "Feministische Visionen vor/nach 1989 – Einmischen, Gestalten, Provozieren"
- 17. efas-Fachtagung: „Gestalten oder gestaltet werden? Perspektiven feministischer Ökonomie auf Digitalisierung“
- Event: "GenderMINT 4.0 - Studiengangentscheidungen, Studieneingang und Studienerfolg von Frauen und Männern in MINT“
- Conference: "Muss Emanzipation eine Pause machen? Alte und neue Herausforderung für die Gleichstellungspolitik"
- Call: Contributions to the efas symposium 2019 and the Research Forum 2019
- Discussion Paper: "Gender quotas for corporate boards - Why authority does not suffice. A comparative analysis of policy package design"
- Call for papers - LaKoF Berlin
- Event on the 04.06.19, HWR: "Women in municipal politics: Engage - Decide - Lead"
- Show: Polis kocht! - „Sorgearbeit vs. Frauen* in Führungspositionen?“
- Comic Essay: „We Need to Talk, AI“
- Conference: "1924: Auf halber Strecke? - Frauen, Politik und Macht"
- Event: "Feminist Futures for Football!?" - Frauen*fußball zwischen Empowerment und Diskriminierung
- Anniversary of the Beuth Hochschule für Technik
- Lecture: "Gender Inequalities in the Labour Market"
- Event: Starthilfe für Promotionsinteressierte
- Conference: Parents and Gendertrouble
- 2nd Conference Klischeefrei: Career Choice with perspective
- Interview bzw-weiterdenken with Claudia Gather
- Applications for the efas Young Talent Award 2019 wanted!
- Event: "Parity in Parliament: Gender quota by law?"
- Congratulations!
- Conference: "Cracking the Ceiling"
- Conference: Wandel der Arbeit durch Digitalisierung = Wandel der Geschlechterverhältnisse?
- Event: Girls Day - Girls Future Day
- Workshop „#4genderstudies: sustainable strategies?!“
- Event: 10 years Gender and Technology Center
- Discussion Paper: "World's politics is no longer a men's business. Women and the United Nations" - Jana Hertwig and Lisa Heemann (ed.)
- Discussion paper: "Gendermarketing versus feminism: when sex and not gender are being commercialized"
- Manager (women) barometer 2019
- Conference between dystopias and utopias: think about the future of caring
- Conference between dystopias and utopias: think about the future of caring
- Conference: Care - Migration - Gender. Ambivalent Interdependencies
- Discussion: Respect. Protect. Promote. 70 years Universal Declaration of Human Rights (#AEMR70)
- Article Dr. Clemens Ohler: "legal minimum wage and the gender pay gap in the low-wage sector"
- Interview with Prof. Dr. Sabine Hark
- WSI Autumn Forum: Representation of interests of the future - Perspectives for new work relations
- Event „Gender effects and scientific publishing“
- 16th efas conference "Women global: perspectives of the feminist economy"
- Call for Proposals: Study regarding Sexual Harassment at Work
- Round of talks: Sexualized Harassment in the Movie and -TV- Industry
- Informative Meeting: Business-startup for women
- Announcement: Political Economy Forum (HWR Berlin)
- Certification Program „Strategic Competencies for Women in Supervisory Boards“
- Policies of Belonging II, Lecture by Yv Nay
- Symposium: „Earnings of women“ – „Earnings of men“
- Workshop: Intensive Course on Women's and Gender Studies (Iran)
- SAMF Conference: Research on the job market
- International symposium: Diversity - where are we now? And where to go?
- The HTMI is on Twitter
- RUW Conference on Women and Society 18./19.04.2018
- Book Launch: Justice and Peace are siblings (Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung)
- Event: Reproductive Justice?! Filmscreening & Workshop
- Comment of the HTMI of HWR Berlin: Against open discrediting of Gender Studies
- Discussion: Guaranteed Basic Income
- Conference: Structure and Dynamics- A/Synchrony in the Gender Discourse (University Paderborn)
- META: the search engine for women's movements
- Cooperative Symposium by WSI and IAQ: Earnings of Women – Earnings of Men
- Announcement of the efas-Newsletter Nr. 21
- WSI: Call for Papers until 30.4./30.6.2018
- Ceremonial Valediction of Prof. Dr. Friederike Maier
- Exhibition: Female Jurists in the GDR
- Call for proposals: Lectureship Gender Studies RUB SoSe 2018
- Workshop: implementing the compatibility of family & job!
- Scientific Colloquium: "I dare say!"
- 15. efas-symposium: Gender in the recent inequality discussion
- Interview: Claudia Gather - Director of HTMI (Berlin School and Economics)
- New Paper: Socio-Cultural Determinants of Women’s Achievement of Management Positions in Turkey
- Conference: Gender Politics in Turbulent Times
- Radboud Summer School Gender & Diversity
- Teaching & Learning
- Activities
- Research
- Publications
- Funding