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Academic and Professional Career
- Since September 2017 managing director of FrauenComputerZentrum Berlin e.V. (FCZB)
- Since June 2012 research fellow at the Institute of Harriet Taylor Mill HWR Berlin
- Several years of experience as an independent consultant, trainer and coach
- Deputy Professor at the HTW Berlin
- Promotion of Dr. rer. pol. at the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Hamburg
- Work in research and teaching at universities and colleges
- Activity as an organizational consultant in change management
- Degree in Psychology (majoring in industrial and organizational psychology) at the TU Berlin
International Cooperation
- Karl-Franzens-University Graz
- University of Southern Denmark
- University Duisburg-Essen
- University of Hamburg
- Helmut Schmidt University
- Free University Berlin
- German Institute for Economic Research Berlin
Specialized in
- Business Demography Management
- Organizational and personnel development
- Communication and Conflict Resolution
- Leadership and Organizational Behavior
- Micro politics
- efas - Das Ökonominnen-Netzwerk, wissenschaftlicher Beirat
- Werkstatt für Organisations- und Personalforschung e.V., Geschäftsführung
- HBS-Forschungsnetzwerk Personal, Arbeit, Organisation
- Arbeit, Bildung und Forschung e.V., Aufsichtsrat