Academic and Professional Background
Max Appenroth graduated in Social Work (B.A.) from Alice-Salomon-Hochschule Berlin and spent his internship at the Australian Gold Coast. He continues his studies in Socio-Cultural Studies (M.A.) at European University Frankfurt/Oder and University of California, Berkely.
Max Appenroth was a project team member of "GLEPA" (Same-Sex Ways of Living and Care in Old Age - Supporting Diversity and Individuality in Care) at the Harriet Taylor Mill Institute, HWR Berlin.
Besides diverse political activities on queer and trans*gender issues, Max Appenroth has gained profound experience in organizing different workshops on queer awareness in social work in Germany and other countries.
Since 2018 Max Appenroth is phd student at the Intistute for Public Health at Charité Berlin.