Article Index

Academic and Professional Career

  • Since 2016: Professor of Social Sciences (with a focus on structural change and the Welfare State in international perspectives), Berlin School of Economics and Law
  • 2013-2016: Research Associate and Lecturer, Institute for Latin American Studies, FU Berlin (Area of specialization: Sociology/Labour markets and social structure in Latin America)
  • 2011-2013: Postdoctoral Researcher, Berlin (international research network on interdependent inequalities in Latin America)
  • 2008-2011: Research Associate, Institute of Sociology, Philipps-Universität Marburg
  • 2009: Doctorate, JWG-Universität Frankfurt (High Tech für Niedriglohn: Neotayloristische Produktionsregimes in der IT-Industrie in Brasilien und Mexiko – Low wages for HighTech: Neotaylorist Production Regimes in the IT-Industry in Brazil and Mexico)
  • 2000-2008: Research Associate and doctoral candidate at the Institute of Social Research, Frankfurt am Main
  • 1993-2000: Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Major in Sociology, minor in Economics, Political Science, and Cultural Anthropology, 1996: 1 year period of study abroad at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte, Brazil
  • 1984-1993: vocational training and employment as power electronics technician, Thyssen Stahl AG, Duisburg; trade union representative and member of the workers council

Expertise in

  • Sociology and Political Economy of Latin America (particularly Brazil and Mexico)
  • Labour Sociology, Globalization of Work and Production
  • Gender relations, precarization, (intersectionality of) social inequalities
  • Information- and Communication Technology (Hardware and IT-Services)
Key Aspects of practise
  • International trade union exchange programmes (particularly with regard to Brazil/ Latin America)
  • Liaison lecturer of Hans-Böckler-Foundation
  • Forum Neue Politik der Arbeit
  • Global Labour University

2000: Elisabeth-Selbert-Preis für Diplomarbeit: „Das Ende des fordistischen Kompromisses? Implikationen für die Geschlechterverhältnisse“

External relations

  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)
  • International Sociological Association (ISA)
  • Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lateinamerika-Forschung (ADLAF)
  • Assoziation für Kritische Gesellschaftsforschung (AKG)
  • Hans-Böckler-Stiftung (HBS)
  • IG Metall
  • Several contacts with NGO´s and universities in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina Uruguay, Chile