Article Index

Are Women the Losers of the 'Hartz IV Reform'? - Activation Policies from a Gender Perspective 
Inaugural Lecture by Sigrid Betzelt in Summer 2009
July 2, 2009, Room 512

Gender and Diversity Management in Logistics
Workshop in Summer 2009
April 23, 2009, Köthener Strasse 2-3
Diversity Management: Chancengleichheit für alle und auch als Wettbewerbsfaktor

gLearning - Genderconscious eLearning: Possible Use of a Genderconscious Learning Unit in Teaching
Lecture followed by discussion in Winter 2006/07
December 12, 2006, FHW Room 544

Learning Platforms and Gender
Workshop in Summer 2006 
June 9, 2006, FHW Room 544

Gender Wage Differentials in Asia and Europe: An Overview of Issues and Findings
Guest Lecture in Winter 2005/06
March 13, 2006, FHW Room 101 
Abstract and Profile