The Institute regularly hosts guest lectures and workshops on selected gender related issues.
Aufsichtsrätinnen in Deutschland: Wie bekommen wir Zugänge?
Dr. Philine Sandhu will explain why gibt Einblicke, why committees of this kind are still so homogeneously male. She shows how you can become visible for mandates and how you can positively influence more diversity in companies as an existing member of the supervisory board.
March 12, 2020 from 7 - 9 p.m. in the VDI Bezirksverein Berlin-Brandenburg, Reinhardstr. 27B, 10117 Berlin
Programm (PDF)
Hamburger Mittagsgespräche - Viertel nach Zwölf
At the "Hamburger Mitagsgespräche - Viertel nach Zwölf" Manuela Rousseau will meet the economic and organizational scientist Philine Erfurt Sandhu, to talk about gender equality in top management.
April 2, 2020 from 12 - 2 p.m. in the Palais Esplanade, Esplanade 14 - 16, 20354 Hamburg
Programme (PDF)
Forschungsfördermöglichkeiten Horizon 2020:
Workshop by Dr. Michael Ebert (EU-poject developer Horizon 2020) on individual research funding and requirements for joint projects in the context of gender research
January 20, 2016, Room B 1.01
Programme (PDF)
Active in the Community: Women in Politics
Who gets to decide? Interests of business and politics
Workshop 2 - Deutscher Frauenring e.V. with a guest lecture by Dr. Andrea-Hilla Carl, economist and director of the Harriet Taylor Mill Institute
January 30 to February 1st, 2015
Programme (PDF)
Independent from the Breadwinner by means of the Welfare State? Protection from Poverty and Dependence for Mothers of Young Children in Sweden and Germany
Guest Lecture by Hanne Martinek in Summer 2012
May 21, 2012, Room B 5.12
Race, Caste and Gender: Affirmative Action in India, US and Europe
Inaugural Lecture by Sukanya Natarajan (LL.M.) in Winter 2011/12
December 1st, 2011, Room B 5.44
Success is to get by. Start-ups in Berlin between Social Inclusion and Economic Policy Funding
Joint Workshop with Weiberwirtschaft e.G. in Winter 2011/12
November 22, 2011
Part of the Mainstream? Teaching Gender in Berlin Universities
Workshop in Summer 2011
June 27, 2011, Room B 3.44
Barbara Sieben: Im Mainstream angekommen? Gender und Diversity in der Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Sabine Hark: Gender im Wissen der Disziplinen - eine wissenschaftskritische Perspektive
Heike Wiesner: Didaktische Potenziale von Gender und Diversity im Kontext neuer Medien
Working Groups' Results:
Equal Opportunities Policy and Structural Reform of the SGB II: Current Problems - Expectations and Future Necessities
Workshop in Winter 2010/11
October 28, 2010, Room 101
Rust / Hütter: Einführung Gleichstellungspolitik des SGB II
Alexandra Wagner: Zur (Nicht-) Institutionalisierung von GenderMainstreaming in der SGB II
Manuela Schwarzkopf: Schlüsselgruppen von Gleichstellungspolitik Alleinerziehende
Sigrid Betzelt: Aktuelle Problemsituation II: Nichtleistungsbeziehende
Women earn more - Equal Pay for Equal Work
Discussion Summer
in cooperation with kommunalpolitisches forum e.V. (Berlin)
June 15, 2010, Room 512
Sex, Gender and Sexual Orientation: Economic Studies on Labour Market Discrimination
Inaugural Lecture by Doris Weichselbaumer in Summer 2010
June 9, 2010, Room 101
Are Women the Losers of the 'Hartz IV Reform'? - Activation Policies from a Gender Perspective
Inaugural Lecture by Sigrid Betzelt in Summer 2009
July 2, 2009, Room 512
Gender and Diversity Management in Logistics
Workshop in Summer 2009
April 23, 2009, Köthener Strasse 2-3
Diversity Management: Chancengleichheit für alle und auch als Wettbewerbsfaktor
gLearning - Genderconscious eLearning: Possible Use of a Genderconscious Learning Unit in Teaching
Lecture followed by discussion in Winter 2006/07
December 12, 2006, FHW Room 544
Learning Platforms and Gender
Workshop in Summer 2006
June 9, 2006, FHW Room 544
Gender Wage Differentials in Asia and Europe: An Overview of Issues and Findings
Guest Lecture in Winter 2005/06
March 13, 2006, FHW Room 101
Abstract and Profile