Article Index

Members of the HTMI teach various classes that are part of different Bachelor programmes at HWR Berlin.

Key Topic: Gender and Diversity in Business and Society

Term: Summer 2018

Objective: The Key Topic "Gender and Diversity in Business and Society deals with gendered processes and structures of inequality on the corporate and societal level. Other dimensions of inequality such as ethnicity, age and social background are taken into consideration. Different approaches to economic inequality from business management, economics and sociology as well as equal opportunity actions and their effectivity and feasibility are discussed. Legal provisions such as the Equality Act in national and European law serve as an analytical framework. There are different measures that will be analyzed: professional training, gender equal work arrangements as part of concepts of work/life balance, the predicate "Total E-Quality", the audit "berufundfamilie®" and the "genderdax®". Theory-driven teaching and empirical and practice-oriented learning methods are used to enable students to identify discriminating structures and practices in companies as well as to develop specific solutions - e.g. by transferring equal opportunity measures to SMEs. Case study of small and medium-sized Berlin based enterprises are analyzed with regard to their current state of gender equality and diversity; students will work on suggestions of how to implement equality policies.

a) Gender and Diversity in Business
b) Economic Aspects of Gender and Diversity
c) Social Science Approaches and Findings on Gender and Diversity, Corporate Case Studies
d) Legal Aspects of Gender and Diversity

Teaching Methods: Discussions, Case Studies

Gender and Diversity in Business

Term: Summer 2018

Course Instructor: Dr. Andrea-Hilla Carl


  • Basic questions of gender and business: Equal opportunities in business?
  • Gender as a socially constructed category in professional and corporate hierarchies, negotiation processes and micro politics
  • Causes and functioning of gendered processes in business (wages, leadership, recruitment, promotion, working time)


  • Gertraude Krell, Renate Ortlieb, Barbara Sieben (eds.), Chancengleichheit durch Personalpolitik – Gleichstellung von Frauen und Männern in Unternehmen und Verwaltungen - Rechtliche Regelungen - Problemanalysen - Lösungen, 6. Aufl., Wiesbaden 2011

Economic Aspects of Gender and Diversity

Term: Summer 2018

Course Instructor: Dr. Clemens Ohlert


  • Comparison of education, career, wages and social security of women and men, residents and migrants, old and young people
  • Economic approaches to the gender division of labour: neoclassical theories of employment behaviour, labour supply, division of labour, New Home Economics, human capital theory, discrimination theories


  • Beblo/Heinze/Wolf (2008): Entwicklung der beruflichen Segregation zwischen 1996 und 2005- Eine Bestandsaufnahme auf betrieblicher Ebene, Zeitschrift für Arbeitsmarktforschung, Themenheft 2+3
  • Beblo/Wolf (2004): Chancengleichheit und Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf- Welche Faktoren bestimmen das betriebliche Engagement?, WSI- Mitteilungen 10/2004, 561-567
  • Ott (2002): The economics of Gender- Der neoklassische Erklärungsansatz zum Geschlechterverhältnis, in: Fabel, O. (Hg.), Femina oeconomica, 33-66

Social Science Approaches and Findings on Gender and Diversity - Corporate Case Studies

Term: Summer 2018

Course Instructor: Prof. Martina Sproll


  • Theoretical sociological approaches and empirical research on equal opportunities in companies. Corporate case studies as an empirical method.

Legal Aspects of Gender and Diversity

Term: Summer 2018

Course Instructor: Prof. Torsten Tristan Straub


  • Landmarks of legal equality in the Federal Republic of Germany in the constitution, labour law, family law, and social security
  • Introduction to basic protection against discrimination in labour law with a special focus on gender, age and ethnicity