Article Index

The Harriet Taylor Mill Institute regularly organizes open discussions on issues of topical importance which are relevant for experts, scientists and students.

At the meetings, experts present particular topics to incite intensive exchange of experience and opinions as well as networking of interested women and men.

If you are interested in our forums, please send us an email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will put you on our mailing list and automatically invite you to future forums.

Gender polidy in the crisis. Equality in times of Corona
Online forum in Winter 20/21
November 19, 2020, 4-6 pm (online)
Programme (PDF)
Presentation Dr. iur. Jana Hertwig
Presentation Dr. Rosemarie Kay
Presentation Prof. Dr. Marlene Haupt and Viola Lind
Presentation Dr. Mareike Bünning

Women in municipal politics: Engage - Decide - Lead

Forum in Summer 19
June 4, 2019, 6:30-8:30 pm at HWR Berlin (House B, Room 1.01)
Programme (PDF)

Wirtschaftliche Stärkung von Frauen - wie weiter mit den Frauenrechten? Diskussion der Ergebnisse der 61. Frauenrechtskommission der Vereinten Nationen vom 13.-24. März 2017 / Economic Empowerment of Women - how to move forward with women's rights? Debate on the results of the 61st United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, March 13-24, 2017
Forum in Summer 2017
April 27, 2017, 5-7 pm at HWR Berlin (House B, Room 5.12)
Programme (PDF)

Women in the Financial Sector: Generations of Women Breaking Down Barriers
Forum in Summer 2016
June 17, 2016, 6-8 pm at HWR Berlin (House B, Room B 1.01)
Programme (PDF)

Gibt es einen „rechtsextremen Feminismus“ in Deutschland? / Is there a "right-wing extremist feminism" in Germany?
Forum in Winter 2015/2016
October 9, 2015, 6-8 pm at HWR Berlin (House B, Room B 1.01)
Programme (PDF)

Arabischer Frühling: Sozio-ökonomische Früchte auch für Frauen? / Arab Spring: Socio-economic benefits for women, too?
Forum in Summer 2015
April 16, 2015, 6-8 pm at HWR Berlin (IMB, Room C 82)
Programme (PDF)

Trans*überfällig - Die Reform des Transsexuellengesetzes (TSG) / Trans*overdue - Reform of the Transsexual Act
Forum in Summer 2014
March 3, 2014, 5 pm at HWR Berlin (Room B 1.01)
Programme (PDF)
Presentation Arn Sauer (TransInterQueer e. V.)

Presentation Dr. Julia Ehrt (Transgender Europe - TGEU)

Mit der HWR an die Spitze – Strategische Kompetenz für Frauen und Aufsichtsräten / Be at the forefront with HWR Berlin - Strategic Skills for Women on Corporate Boards
Forum in Winter 2012/2013
January 31, 2013, 6:30 pm, at HWR Berlin (Room A 2.04)
Programme (PDF)

Quote für Aufsichtsräte - und was noch? Gemeinsam streiten für mehr Gleichstellung / Quota for Corporate Boards - and what else? Fighting together for more equality
Forum in Winter 2012/2013
October 25, 2012, 5 pm, at HWR Berlin (Room B 1.01)
Programme (PDF)
Article by Sabine Berghahn
"Strategische Kompetenz für Frauen in Aufsichtsräten", press release (PDF)

Mittelstandspolitik oder soziale Inklusion: Wem dient die Gründungsförderung? / SME Policy or Social Inclusion: Who benefits from start-up financing?
Forum in Winter 2011/2012
February 23, 2012, 6 pm at HWR Berlin (Room B 1.01)
Programme (PDF)

Frauenquote für Aufsichtsräte – wie weiter? Aktuelle Vorschläge zur Umsetzung von Quotierung von Aufsichtsräten / Women Quota for Corporate Boards how to go forward? Current proposals on how to implement a quota for corporate boards
Forum in Winter 2011/2012
November 3, 2011, 5 pm at HWR Berlin (Room B 1.01)
Programme (PDF)
Presentation Berghahn/Lewalter
Presentation Remmert
Presentation Koch-Rust
Presentation Obermeyer

Was macht selbstständige Frauen erfolgreich? / What makes self-employed women successful?
Forum in Summer 2009
May 7, 2009, 6:30 pm at HWR Berlin (Room 101)
Programme (PDF)

Geschlechterdimensionen der Finanzmarktkrise: Trifft es Frauen anders? / Gender Dimensions of the Financial Crisis: Are Women hit differently?
Forum in Winter 2008/2009
December 11, 2008, 6:30 pm at FHW (Room 441)
Programme (PDF)

Festveranstaltung des Harriet Taylor Mill-Instituts anlässlich des 200. Geburtstags von Harriet Taylor Mill (1807-1858) / Festivities at Harriet Taylor Mill Institute: Celebrating the 200th Birthday of Harriet Taylor Mill (1807-1858)
Forum in Winter 2007/2008
November 19, 2007, 6 pm at FHW (Room 101)
Programm (PDF)

Ist betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung männlich? / Is Workplace Health Promotion Male?
Forum in Winter 2004/2005
January 20, 2005, 6:30 pm at FHW (Room 101)
Programme (PDF)

Kosten und Nutzen betrieblicher Frauenförderung / Costs and Benefits of Company Based Equal Opportunities Development
Forum in Winter 2003/2004
December 2, 2003, 6 pm at FHW (Room 101)
Programme (PDF)

Konfliktfeld Arbeitsbewertung. Lösungsansätze für eine geschlechtergerechte Entgeltfindung / Conflict in Job Evaluation. Solutions for Equal Wage Plans
Forum in Summer 2003
June 12, 2003, 7 pm at FHW (Room 101)
Programme (PDF)

Managing Diversity - Nichts als schöne Worte? / Managing Diversity - All words, no action?
Forum in Summer 2002
July 4, 2002, 6:30 pm at FHW (Room 101)
Programme (PDF)