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INVITATION: Kick-Off Shaping Digitisation in a Gender-Equitable Way | 10.09.21 | 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
SAVE THE DATE: Kick-Off Designing Digitisation in a Gender Equitable Way | 10.09.21 | 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Career perspective: Professor at a university
Recording of the OECD webinar "Women and technology - strong together"
Discussion Paper: Gender Aspects of Brain Drain: The Case of Turkish Immigrants in Germany
Job Announcement: Working Student at the Harriet Taylor Mill-Institut
Online Event: "Labor Market and Family"
SozBlog - The Blog of the German Sociological Association
Legal claim to mobile working. Positioning of the expert commission.
Discussion Paper: "Intersections of care work and ecological sustainability. To what extent can time be a common currency?"
German Chancellor Fellow, entrepreneur, researcher
Call for Papers: fzg 27|2021 Digitalization, Gender and Migration
Hamburger Mitagsgespräch: "Wir brauchen Fraun, die sich trauen"
ERASMUS+ Projekt "EqualDigiTalent"
Discussion Paper: "The under-representation of women in politics from a constitutional perspective - parity laws and a gender-equitable representative democracy" by Cara Röhner
Discussion session: Gleichstellung – nicht-binär und intersektional?!
2020 „10 Jahre Fachgesellschaft Geschlechterstudien“
HTMI-Mittagsgespräch am 29.1.2020: "30 Jahre Mauerfall im Blickpunkt der Zukunftsgestaltung der Frauen der 'Dritten Generation Ost'"
Job opening: Wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeit (w/m/d) (Schwerpunkt Ökonomie) am Institut für Sozialarbeit und Sozialpädagogik
Call for Papers: "Crossing Borders in Europe: Democracy and Gender in Transformation?"
Discussion Paper: The impact of digitization on gender inequality. An empirical study at the sectoral level
Day of action 18th december 2019 #4genderstudies
Discussion Paper: With strategy to equal rights? Negotiation styles of independent women as a means of reducing the gender income gap
Call for Papers: Reproductive rights and the politics of reproduction
Job opening: Administration Manager in the FrauenComputerZentrumBerlin e.V.
Political Economy Forum: Auf der Suche nach der „ideologiefreien“ Lehre?
Theaterperformance "Between worlds. Global Tales of Outsourcing Dementia Care"
Convention: "Feministische Visionen vor/nach 1989 – Einmischen, Gestalten, Provozieren"
17. efas-Fachtagung: „Gestalten oder gestaltet werden? Perspektiven feministischer Ökonomie auf Digitalisierung“
Event: "GenderMINT 4.0 - Studiengangentscheidungen, Studieneingang und Studienerfolg von Frauen und Männern in MINT“