Article Index

Prof. Dr. Sigrid Betzelt

Professor for Social Sciences, focussed on Sociology of Labour and Organization

Phone: +49 (0)30 30877-1234
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Campus Schöneberg - Building B
Room: B 4.34


Academic and Professional Background

Sigrid Betzelt is sociologist focussing on sociology of work and labour markets, labour market policy and social policy, in particular from a gender perspective. At University of Bremen, she has conducted empirical and theoretical work on activating labour market policies, the flexibilization of work, new forms of self-employment and social security systems in comparative perspective, work in the cultural industries and the ‘Third Sector’, funded by the European Commission, the German Research Council, the Federal Ministry of Family and other institutions.

Expertise in

Labour market and social policy on the national and European level and their effects on social citizens' rights, social inequality and in particular the category of gender

  • Structural changes in the labour force, particularly skilled workers in service occupations; employment in non profit organizations
  • Gender relations and their institutional framing (gender regimes)

Academic Networks

  • Board director of the section Social Policy at the German Sociological Association (DGS)
  • Member of ESPAnet - Network for European Social Policy Analysis
  • Member of International Sociological Association, Research Committee on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy (RC 19) 
  • Member of German Association for Social Science Labour Market Research (SAMF e.V.) and German Sociological Association (DGS, section Gender Studies, section Social Policy)
  • Member of Networks of Excellence (NoE) "RECWOWE - Reconciling Work and Welfare in Europe" of the 6th Framework Programme of the European Commission, with scholars of social and labour market policy research from almost all EU member states (2006-11)


  • Centre for social policy research at the University of Bremen, associate member
  • Bremen University, International Degree Course in Policy Management (Prof. Dr. Silke Bothfeld)
  • Scholars from various universities, among others Aalborg, Edinburgh, Genf, Mailand, Navarra, Paris, Stirling, Utrecht under the EU network RECWOWE 
  • Sociological Research Institute Göttingen (SOFI e.V.), joint project Socioeconomic Reporting Germany
  • German Institute for Economic Research (DIW), Dep. Socioeconomic Panel
  • Research Team International Labour Market (FIA, Dr. Alexandra Wagner)
  • Hans Böckler Foundation (Project Advisory Committee)
  • United Services Union (ver.di), Unit "Free" of the Federal Executive

Research Projects

  • Arbeitslose ohne Leistungsansprüche: Analyse von Hintergründen, sozialer Situation und der Dynamik im Lebenslauf (Hans-Böckler-Stiftung, 2014-2016, siehe:
  • The Impact of Activation on Social Citizenship (EU-Exzellenznetzwerk RECWOWE, 6th EU Framework Programme, 2008-11); mit Prof. Dr. Silke Bothfeld (Hochschule Bremen)
  • Der Geschlechterbias in der deutschen Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Eine institutionelle und empirische Analyse des SGB II und SGB III (Expertise für den Ersten Gleichstellungsbericht der Bundesregierung, 2010), mit Prof. Dr. Silke Bothfeld (Hochschule Bremen)
  • Individualisierung von Leistungen nach SGB II unter Berücksichtigung der familialen Unterhaltsverpflichtungen (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, 2008-9), mit Prof. Dr. Ursula Rust, Universität Bremen
  • Neue selbständige Erwerbsformen in Kulturberufen (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; 2000-04); unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Karin Gottschall, Universität Bremen
  • Soziale Alterssicherung von Selbstständigen (Expertise für Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft Verdi, 2004)
  • New employment opportunities in the Third Sector (EU-Kommission, TSER-Programm, 1998-99, Universität Bremen), unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Rudolph Bauer

 Teaching Focus

  • Master Political Economy of European Integration: Work, Labour, Social Reproduction; Current Issues of European Integration
  • B.A. Business Administration: Change in Labour and Employment; Political Economy and Social Structure, Sociological Aspects of Services

 Selected Publications

  • Betzelt, Sigrid; Bothfeld, Silke (2014): Autonomie – ein neues Leitbild einer modernen Arbeitsmarktpolitik, WISO-direkt, herausgegeben von der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Abteilung Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik, Berlin.
  • Betzelt, Sigrid (2014): Die kosteneffiziente 'Aktivierungsstrategie' Arbeitsloser ohne Leistungsanspruch - Exklusion statt Inklusion, vor allem von Frauen, Sozialer Fortschritt, Jg. 63, H. 7, 162-170.
  • Betzelt, Sigrid; Bothfeld, Silke (2013): Activation, social citizenship and autonomy in Europe, in: Ramia, Gaby/Farnsworth, Kevin/Irving, Zoe (eds): Social Policy Review 25. Analysis and debate in social policy, Bristol: Policy Press, 249-270.
  • Betzelt, Sigrid; Bothfeld, Silke, eds. (2011): Activation and Labour Market Reforms in Europe. Challenges to Social Citizenship. Work and Welfare in Europe Series. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Betzelt, Sigrid; Bothfeld, Silke (2011): "Incoherent strategies – fragmented outcomes. Raising women's employment rate in Germany", German Policy Studies, Special Issue: "Integration in European Labour Market Politics", Vol. 7 (1), 73-106.
  • Bothfeld, Silke; Betzelt, Sigrid (2011): „Der Geschlechterbias in der deutschen Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Eine institutionelle und empirische Analyse des SGB II und SGB III“ In: Klammer, Ute (Hrsg.): Neue Wege – gleiche Chancen. Der Erste Gleichstellungsbericht der Bundesregierung, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 199-251.
  • Letablier, Marie-Thérèse; Eydoux, Anne Betzelt; Sigrid (2011): Chapter 5: Social Citizenship and Activation in Europe: A Gendered Perspective. In: Betzelt, Sigrid; Bothfeld, Silke (eds.): Activation and Labour Market Reforms in Europe: Challenges to Social Citizenship,Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 79-100.
  • Betzelt, Sigrid ; Rust, Ursula (2010): Individualisierung von Leistungen nach SGB II unter Berücksichtigung der familialen Unterhaltsverpflichtungen. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Complete list of publications