Prof. Dr. Miriam Beblo
Professor for Labour, Family and Gender Economics
T: +49 (0)40 42838 - 8680
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Universität Hamburg
Welckerstr. 8, Raum 4.17
20354 Hamburg
Academic and Professional Background
- Since November 2012 professor at University of Hamburg
- 2006-2012 professor of institutional economics and applied microeconomicsat the BSEL
- 2004-2006 visiting professor at the Harriet Taylor Mill Institute of the BSEL
- 2000-2006 project manager and senior researcher at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim
- Research associate and PhD at FU Berlin, postgraduate programme "Applied Microeconomics"
- Graduate of economics at TU Berlin and University of British Columbia
Research Areas
- Applied microeconomics
- Quantitative analysis of employment and social policies, in particular family policies
- Quantitative gender research
- Time Budget Research
Teaching Focus
- Microeconomics
- Empirical/quantitative economic research
- Labour economics
- Behavioural economics
Selected Publications
- Beblo, Miriam, Beninger, Denis (2015), Do husbands and wives pool their incomes? A couple experiment, Harriet Taylor Mill-Insitut der HWR Berlin, Discussion Paper 28, 12/2015
- Beblo, Miriam, Beninger, Denis (2011), Do couples pool their incomes? Experimental evidence from Germany, conference paper (JMA 2011, AFSE 2011, GS Becker conf 2011).
- Beblo, Miriam, Solaz, Anne (2011), Does the division of housework differ between first and second unions? Evidence from Germany, conference paper (IATUR 2011, GS Becker conf 2011).
- Beblo, Miriam, Clemens Ohlert and Elke Wolf (2011), Logib-D und die Entgeltunterschiede zwischen Männern und Frauen in deutschen Betrieben - Eine Abschätzung des politischen Handlungsfeldes, Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung (Journal forLabour Market Research), forthcoming.
- Beblo, Miriam, Stefan Bender und Elke Wolf (2009), Establishment-level wage effects of entering motherhood, Oxford Economic Papers, 64, forthcoming.Barg, Katherin und Miriam Beblo (2009), Does marriage pay more than cohabitation? Journal of Economic Studies, forthcoming.
- Beblo, Miriam, Anja Heinze und Elke Wolf (2008), Entwicklung der beruflichen Segregation von Männern und Frauen zwischen 1996 und 2005 – eine Bestandsaufnahme auf betrieblicher Ebene, Zeitschrift für ArbeitsmarktForschung, Jg. 41, H. 2/3, 181–198.
- Beblo, Miriam und Julio R. Robledo (2008), The Wage Gap and the Leisure Gap for Double Earner Couples, Journal of Population Economics, 21, 281–304.
- Barg, Katherin und Miriam Beblo (2007), The male marital wage premium in Germany: selection versus specialization, Journal of Applied Social Sciences Studies 127(1) (Schmollers Jahrbuch), 59–73.
- Beblo, Miriam (2007), Die Wirkungsweise des Ehegattensplittings bei kollektiver Entscheidungsfindung im Haushalt, in Barbara Seel (Hrsg.): Ehegattensplitting und Familienpolitik, Wiesbaden 2007, 269–294.