Dr. Andrea-Hilla Carl
Managing Director of HTMI
and Research Fellow
T: +49 (0)30 30877-1485
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Campus Schöneberg - Building E
Room: E 3.35
Academic and Professional Background
- Study of economics & PhD at Free University Berlin
- Lecturer, research assistant & project coordinator at Berlin School of Economics and Law and Humboldt University Berlin
- German expert in European Network of Experts on Gender Equality (enege) of the European Commission, Directorate-General Justice
- Managing Director, Harriet Taylor Mill Institute
Selected Research Projects
- Promoting economic independence of women and men - the Equal Treatment Check (gb-check)
- Strategic skills for women on corporate boards
- Changing education and labor market situation opportunities for female economists
Teaching Focus
- Human resources management and organization theory
- Education, training, qualification, profession and professionalism
- Labor income and job evaluation
- Employment, labor and wage policy, trade unions
- Gender and diversity management
Selected Publications
- Carl, A.H./Kunze, S./Olteanu, Y./Yildiz, Ö./Yollu-Tok, A. (ed.) (2020): Gender relations in the context of companies and society. Baden-Baden.
- Starting Fragile - Gender Differences in The Youth Labour Market, Publication office of the European Union 2013
- The Impact of the economic crisis on the situation of women and men and gender equality policies, Publication office of the European Union 2012
- Long-Term Care for the elderly Provisions and providers in 33 European countries, Publication office of the European Union 2012
- Flexible working time arrangements and gender equality. A comparative review of 30 countries, Publication office of the European Union 2010 (Veröffentlichung des Expertinnennetzwerks Employment and Gender Equality)
- Gender segregation in the labour market. Root causes, implications and policy responses in the EU, Publication office of the European Union 2009 (Veröffentlichung des Expertinnennetzwerks Employment and Gender Equality)
- Auf halbem Weg – Die Studien- und Arbeitsmarktsituation von Ökonominnen im Wandel. edition sigma, Reihe FHW-Forschung Band 48/49, Berlin 2008 (Buch zusammen mit Friederike Maier und Dorothea Schmidt)
- Entgeltgleichheit und Arbeitsbewertung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, in: Katz, Christian P./Baitsch, Christoph, Arbeit bewerten- Personal beurteilen. Lohnsysteme mit Abakaba, Zürich 2006
- Geschlechterdiskriminierung bei der betrieblichen Grundentgeltfindung. Positionen von Management, Betriebsrat und Beschäftigten, Wiesbaden 2004
- Bericht der Bundesregierung zur Berufs- und Einkommenssituation von Frauen und Männern, Berlin 2002 (co-author)