Latest News

Nach Einschätzung von Expert*innen wird sich die Arbeitswelt infolge der fortschreitenden Digitalisierung in den kommenden ein bis zwei Jahrzehnten fundamental verändern. Einige Beobachter*innen prognostizieren, dass sich dieser Wandel auch auf die Geschlechterverhältnisse in Betrieb und Verwaltung auswirken wird. Die Tagung will einen Beitrag dazu leisten, den Blick auf diese zukünftigen Entwicklungen zu schärfen.

Wann: 17. Mai 2019, 11:00 - 17:15 Uhr

Wo: Sozialforschungsstelle, TU Dortmund, Evinger Platz 17, 44339 Dortmund

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier und das Program (PDF).

Anmeldung hier.

The HWR Berlin will show its MINT-Potenzial through this event.

Workshops, laboratory tours, lectures and conversations with computer science students and professors of the MINT department will be offered.

When: 28. March 2019, 09:00 a.m. - 15:00 p.m.

Where: HWR Campus Lichtenberg (Info) and Campus Schöneberg (Info)


The Margherita-von-Brentano-Zentrum invites you to the Workshop „#4genderstudies: sustainable strategies?!“.

In the Workshop december action Day will be evaluated and strategies for the action Day #4genderstudies 2019 will be developed.
When: 28. June 2019, 10:00 a.m.-16:00 p.m.
Where: Freie Universität Berlin
Wenn Sie erfolgreiche Aktivitäten präsentieren wollen, so melden Sie dies gerne an uns, damit wir entsprechend planen können. Rückmeldungen bitte an: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
The Gender and Technology Center (GuTZ) of the Beuth Hochschule for Technology celebrates their 10th year of existence.
Several workshops about gendermarketing or gender-sensitive teaching and mini-talks about the topic "gender and technology" will be offered. At 6 p.m. a keynote about digitalization and artificial intelligence will take place and after a panel discussion about the future of gender and technology. The evening will be celebrated with drinks and interesting conversations.
When: 23 May 2019 at 2:30 p.m. 
Where: Beuth Hochschule for Technology, Beuth Halle
During the event we offer childcare.

Here you can read our new discussion paper.

Our new discussion paper about "Gendermarketing versus feminism: when sex and not gender are being commercialized" from Anne Hartmann (HWR Berlin  student) is now available here.


You can now read the manager (women) barometer 2019 of the DIW weekly report here.

The two day conference about "between dystopias and utopias: think about the future of caring". 

WHEN: 14. and 15. February2019

WHERE: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Hall B, Room 1, 6

Register until the 31. January 2019 through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
40 € will be charged to cover the costs.

All other informations are on the Program



The two day conference about "between dystopias and utopias: think about the future of caring". 

WHEN: 14. and 15. February2019

WHERE: Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Hall B, Room 1, 6

Register until the 31. January 2019 through This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
40 € will be charged to cover the costs.

All other informations are on the Program



Our conference offers a space to collectively investigate interdependencies in their complexities and aims to initiate a discussion of such ambivalences. In particular we will discuss the following:

  • What forms do the interdependencies of care-migration-gender take in different places, in different fields, and with different stakeholders?
  • How are the interdependencies of care-migration-gender shaped through different incentives, interests, and representations?
  • How are the interdependencies of care-migration-gender regulated politically, legally, and socially?
  • How and with which aims and effects have care workers organized?

When: 30. January until 01. February, 2019

Where: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Unter den Linden 6, Senatssaal, Raum 2070 a / 2249 a / 1066 e

Visit the Website for more informations and the program.

To register please click here.


30.01. & 01.02.2019

HU Berlin

The 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights for us Greens in the German Bundestag is a good reason to celebrate. Considering the threatening conditions of human rights around the world, the anniversary also gives us the opportunity to reflect about the current situation. Through various panels we want to discuss with you and our guests, about how protection and human rights can be improved in the future. In doing so, we want to talk about: shrinking spaces, gender rights, LGBTTI and religious minorities, digital human rights, children's rights, economy and human rights, refuge and migration as well as international criminal law.
When: 07. December 2018, 09:00 - 06:00 p.m.
Where: Deutscher Bundestag, Paul-Löbe-Haus, Konrad-Adenauer-Str. 1, 10557 Berlin
Online application until the 03. December 2018

This article from Dr. Clemens Ohler, scientist for the minimum wage Commission in Germany about "legal minimum wage and the gender pay gap in the low-wage sector" was published in the magazine for official statistics Berlin Brandenburg and is now available here.

An Interview with Prof. Dr. Sabine Hark, head of the interdisciplinary centre for woman and gender research at the Technischen Universität Berlin (TU), about the prohibition of gender studies in Ungary, the importance of freedom in research and as an important source of knowledge for the social development.

To read the interview click here.

Precarious jobs, changing working environment - Wich role can labor unions and workforce representatives in times of intense uncertainty play?

At the Autumn Forum 2018 we want to talk to scientists and also practitioners of civil society, politics, economy, labor unions and companies, about how to stabilise and revitalize the collective working relationships in a digital and borderless world.  


When: 20.-21. November 2018 

Where: Kalkscheune, Johannisstraße 2, 10117 Berlin

More information and to sign up click here

On the occasion of the International Open Access Week the event „Gender effects and scientific publishing“ will take place in the Freien Universität (FU) Berlin on 22th Oktober, 2018. The invited speakers will consider the influence of the categories "Gender" on the scientific publishing process. 

When: 22th Oktober, 2018, 14.00-18.00 p.m.
Where: Freie Universität Berlin, Room L116, Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26

More information and application here.



FU Berlin

Prof. Diane Elson will start the conference on 7th Dezember, 2018 at the Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin with a lecture about „Gender and development: contributions of feminist economics“. Subsequently Prof. Inmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso will present current research results. To conclude Prof. Christine Bauhardt will speak about „Learn from the south — Groth of Development in the Global North“.

Furthermore the efas-offspring award 2018 ceremony for great economic papers with emphasis on women and gender research will take place.

Please inform us in your application, if you want to participate in the reception and to which institution you belong. You can also benefit from our childcare throughout the conference. If so, please inform us about their age.

Application: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




HTW Berlin


Call for Proporsals by the Antidiscrimination Bureau:
Erstellung einer Studie „Sexuelle Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz – Umgangsstrategien und Unterstützungsstrukturen von Betroffenen“


Culture wants change!
Round of talks regarding sexualized harassment and violence in the movie- and tv-industry.


More Information

19. Februar 2018
14:30– 17:00 Uhr / Einlass: 14:00 Uhr

TIPI am Kanzleramt
Große Querallee
10557 Berlin
Veranstalterin: Antidiskriminierungsstelle Bund



Free informative meeting on the topic of "Business-startup for women- your alternative to joblessness?" taking place on January 30th and February 13rd 2018 from 10.00-12.00 o'clock:  Procurement of compressed basic knowledge on starting up an own small business.

Free basic course for female founders from February 15th to Match 21st .2018 from 9.00-16.30 Uhr: Creatino of Businessplans, Marketing, Finance, Personal Branding, Insurances, Bookkeeping and Controlling.


More Information

Akelei e.V.
Berufswegplanung mit Frauen
Rhinstraße 84
12681 Berlin



On Friday, February 2nd 2018, the Political Economy Forum by IPE will take place, discussion the topc  "Guaranteed Basic Income: Utopia or Dystopia?

The english-language event starts at 4pm and takes place at Campus Schöneberg (Haus A, 2.04). 


More Information: Flyer

2. Februar, 14-16 Uhr
HWR Berlin, Raum A 2.04
Campus Schöneberg 
Badensche Straße 52
10825 Berlin



The program is addressed at officiating and potential female board members and members of other supervisory committees.

What is it about?

The participants are capacitated to play an active role in boards and participate in an effective supervisory culture. They gain insights in business administrative, juridicial knowledge as well as strategic competencies for their own positioning. An attending coaching-program helps to sharpen the individual profile and personal goals. Fireside chats with officiating female board members give insights into the reality of supervisory practice. The participants  become part of a national alumni-network. 

Yearly from June until February in six modules à 12 hours (friday afternoon and -evening as well as whole-time saturday). Interested persons can already mark down the dates for the six modules in 2018/2019:  29./30. June 2018; 21./22. September 2018; 12./13. October 2018; 16./17. November 2018; 18./19. January 2019; 5./16. February 2019


Program can be found on the Webseite
Deathline is May 15th  2018


As part of the second serious of lectures related to the topic „Policies of Belonging“, Yv Nay will present a lecture named: "Family Feelings – The affectively structured normalization of 'rainbow families' on January 24th 2018 at ZIFG.



24.01.2018, 18-20 Uhr
after the lecture Pretzels & Wine

TU Berlin
Marchstraße 23
10587 Berlin 
Raum MAR 0.011


At the conference the relevance of the category "gender" for earnings at the job market will be examined. Recent research results of representatives from politics and science will be discussed. The discussion will be framed by the question, to what extent scientific findings and political measures engaged until now and where there is ability to act.

The symposium is the final conference of our research project „Comparable Worth – der blinde Fleck in der Ursachenanalyse des Gender Pay Gap“.
Together with unionists we will discuss political perspectives regarding income equality after the income transparency law.

The participation is free. An invitation with a schedule is following soon.


16. März 2018
10.30 – 17.00 Uhr
Universität Duisburg


16. März 2018 von 10.30-17.00 Uhr
Universität Duisburg, Mercatorhaus
Lotharstr. 57
47057 Duisburg



Women and Family Research Center (WRC)

Bildschirmfoto 2018 01 18 um 10.55.47

Call for application:
Intensive Course on Gender and Women’s Studies 


3-6 March 2018
Qom, Iran



The conference, organized by WSI and SAMF e.V. will examine the topic "Job Market Research: Challenges in theory, data and research infrastructure".
It takes place on February 15./16. Februar 2018. It is asked for registration until February 9th.



15./16. Februar 2018
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin
Campus Schöneberg
Haus A, Raum 2.04 (Senatssaal)
Badensche Straße 50–51
10825 Berlin

Invitation to the International symposium:

"Where are we now? And where to go? Diversity zwischen professionellem Managementkonzept und gesellschaftskritischer Strategie für mehr sozialen Zusammenhalt"



9./10. Februar 2018
Technische Universität Dortmund
August-Schmidt-Straße 4
44227 Dortmund 



The Harriet Taylor Mill-Institut can be found on Twitter here: @HTMIBerlin.

Follow us for news and findings related to Gender Studies.


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Royal University for Women
"Empowering Women through higher Education"


Call for Papers
More Information

18./19. April 2018
Royal Unversity for Women
Al Muaskar Hwy



"Gerechtigkeit und Frieden sind Geschwister- Politisches Engagement in Zeiten der Globalisierung"
Book Launch with Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul.



17. Januar, 10:30 Uhr
Konferenzsaal im Haus 1 der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung 
Hiroshimastraße 17
10785 Berlin



Film Screening: "A woman’s womb – Politics of reproduction" and following discussion with Anne Hendrixson.

Workshop for exchange aobut recent population policy– globally and locally.


Further Information

Registration asked for: susanneschultz(at)
Film Screening 1. Februar, 19:30 Uhr
Workshop 2. Februar, 10-17 Uhr
Skalitzerstr. 6
10999 Berlin



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Discussion: "Guaranteed Basic Income: Utopia or dystopia?"

The idea of a guaranteed and unconditional basic income has become quite popular in many countries and finds advocats across an astonishingly broad spectrum. Is it really a desirable utopia, or more a dystopia for various reasons? Two scholars will share their rather critical perspectives with us and will engage in the discussion:

Silke Bothfeld, political scientist and Professor at the University of Applied Sciences Bremen
Karl Brenke, economist at the DIW Berlin (German Institute for Economic Research)

The discussion will be moderated by the journalist John Goetz, the NDR-editor for investigations at ARD-Hauptstadtstudio (Berlin) and a member of the investigative team at the Süddeutsche Zeitung.


More Information
Date and time: 2nd February 2018, 4 – 6 pm

Location: Berlin School of Economics and Law, Badensche Str. 52, 10825 Berlin, Room A 2.04



On February 16th  2018  the University of Paderborn presents the conference "Structure and Dynamics- A/Synchrony in the Gender Discourse".
It is the end of a series of workshops, supported by the Fritz Thyssen Association, in which scientists of different fields worked together on the topic of "A/synchrony in the Gender Discourse". The developed theses and questions are the base for the conference.
It will consist out of study groups, in which each group will discuss a paper, which has been made accesible beforehand to all. The topics of the study groups resulted from the workshops. An inspiring discussion is expected.



More information here

16.2.2018, 9-17 Uhr
Universität Paderborn
Warburger Straße 100
33098 Paderborn 




The META-catalogue is an online-supply for the simoultaneous search within archives, libraries and spaces of documentation of the umbrella organization of i.d.a. There is information from facilities, which have been dedicating their time for decades to the proffessional collection, preservation and procuration of the history of women and lesbians as well as the provision of literature to the field of gender studies. The stock reaches from historical to newer women's movements in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg and Italy.
The META-catalogue, the online search engine for women's movements, is a part project of the Digitales Deutsches Frauenarchiv.

 Bildschirmfoto 2017 12 12 um 15.25.42 Bildschirmfoto 2017 12 12 um 15.25.47



Earnings of Women – Earnings of Men
new research and political perspectives 

At the conference the relevance of the category "gender" for earnings at the job market will be examined. Recent research results of representatives from politics and science will be discussed. The discussion will be framed by the question, to what extent scientific findings and political measures engaged until now and where there is ability to act.

The symposium is the final conference of our research project „Comparable Worth – der blinde Fleck in der Ursachenanalyse des Gender Pay Gap“.
Together with unionists we will discuss political perspectives regarding income equality after the income transparency law.

The participation is free. An invitation with a schedule is following soon.


16. März 2018
10.30 – 17.00 Uhr
Universität Duisburg



The efas Newsletter Nr. 21 has been published.
It was distributed at the yearly efas-symposium on December 1st 2017.
It is also online available here.



The Institute of Economic and Social Research (WSI) of the Hans-Böckler-Association prepared two Calls for Papers.

With the first Call Uncertain times? – Getting back social security and political actionablity aims to offer possibilites to publish to younger scientists in their qualification period. The topic of the call is wide, in order to adress younger scientists from different social and economic disciplines. Deadline: 30.04.2018.

The second call regarding Welfare state 2020 – Impulses for socio-political reformsaddresses those working with the topics of social policy, social- and welfare state. Deadline: 30.06.2018.


Main Page of WSI-Notices 
or this link



On October 12th 2017 the ceremonial valediction of Prof. Dr. Friederike Maier took place. She is the founder of the Harriet Taylor Mill-Institute. The Programme consisted out of scientific lectures as well as speeches of appraisal by the president Prof. Dr. Andreas Zaby as well as former headmaster, Prof. Dr. Franz Herbert Rieger.

 HTMI Maier Programm A4 3 1



Until November 20th 2017 the exhibition "Female Jurists in the GDR" takes place at Berlin School of Law and Economics, Campus Lichtenberg.
The ceremonial opening occured on November 2nd 2017. The exhibition is organized in cooperation with the Deutschen Juristinnenbund e.V. (djb).

 HTMI Poster AusstDDRJurist online2 1


further Information

HWR Campus Lichtenberg,
Haus 1, Foyer
Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60
10315 Berlin



The student representatives of Gender Studies at the Ruhr-University Bochum call for proposals for lectureship for the coming summer semester 2018.


Call for proposal: here



 On December 8th 2018 the DGB is inviting to a Workshop, which will carve out corporate felicity conditions for a division of laber between partners and to concretize in practice.  Representatives of special Interest groups from the corporate practice as well as well as actors from equal opportunity policy will discuss, how the compatibility of job and private life can be implemented.


Further Information

11:00 – 16:00 Uhr
DGB Bundesvorstand
Henriette-Herz-Platz 2
10178 Berlin, Saal 4



Event about the situation relating the Anti Political Correctness-Movement in Germany.


7./8. December 2017
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Unterden Linden 6, Senatssaal

Registration asked for until November 30th 2017.



Invitation to the 15. efas-symposium on December 1st 2017

The symposium will take place at Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) Berlin at Campus Treskowallee. 
The topic is "Gender in the recent inequality discussion".

Registration is possible up toNovember 27th via mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Further information

Friday, 01.12.2017
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht
Treskowallee 8
10318 Berlin


In August 2017 the Newspage conducted an interview with Claudia Gather, Director of the Harriet Taylor Mill-Institut,
about the topic "Income disparities between female and male founders".


The interview can be heard here.

Stephanie Häring: "Socio-Cultural Determinants of Women’s Achievement of Management Positions in Turkey"

New HTMI publication - Discussion Paper, 33, 07/2017 (PDF)

The world is changing at breathtaking speed and with it the normative and institutional parameters for gender politics. Unquestionably, as feminist scholars have shown, gender politics and the objective of gender equality are and were always subject to contestation and (re)negotiation. However, under the current political atmosphere, the pressure on gender equality norms and policies has increased enormously and the room for maneuver seems to shrink. The reasons for and dynamics of this trend are multifaceted and complex. They include the economic crisis, the rise of right-wing populism and authoritarianism, increasing contestation of democracy and global institutions, like the UN and the EU and last, but not least controversies within and between different strands of feminism.

The conference "Gender Politics in Turbulent Times: Rethinking Power, Agency and ResistanceConference" at Free University of Berlin aims at bringing together cutting-edge research on both the current challenges and new opportunities for feminism and gender politics at international, national and local level. The conference builds on the rich scholarship of feminist political science that has critically examined the role of the state and of international organizations in promoting gender equality and justice. It seeks to explore the political, institutional and discursive dynamics that potentially reconfigure power relations, shape political agency and produce new forms and constellations of resistance.


Registration (until June 30, 2017)


July 21-22, 2017
Free University of Berlin
Holzlaube, Room 1.2009
Fabeckstraße 23-25
14195 Berlin

Radboud Social and Cultural Research hosts leading researchers of gender inequality and diversity dynamics. The interdisciplinary course Gender & Diversity: core concepts in society and science, is based on RU's state of the art research and provides an advanced introduction to gender and diversity in social science in an intensive one-week programme. The course will be team-taught by nine highly acknowledged faculty members from a range of disciplinary perspectives.

Further information and registration


14.-18. August 2017
Radboud University Nijmegen