The program is addressed at officiating and potential female board members and members of other supervisory committees.
What is it about?
The participants are capacitated to play an active role in boards and participate in an effective supervisory culture. They gain insights in business administrative, juridicial knowledge as well as strategic competencies for their own positioning. An attending coaching-program helps to sharpen the individual profile and personal goals. Fireside chats with officiating female board members give insights into the reality of supervisory practice. The participants become part of a national alumni-network.
Yearly from June until February in six modules à 12 hours (friday afternoon and -evening as well as whole-time saturday). Interested persons can already mark down the dates for the six modules in 2018/2019: 29./30. June 2018; 21./22. September 2018; 12./13. October 2018; 16./17. November 2018; 18./19. January 2019; 5./16. February 2019
Program can be found on the Webseite
Deathline is May 15th 2018